It is extremely important to feed horses correctly. One scoop too many and your horse can be putting on extra pounds and even show the extra feed in their attitude towards work. And of course if you under feed your horse could stop enjoying the work he/she loves to do and feel a little lethargic. Some evidence even suggests that the lack of hard feed (now said to be 20 minutes before exercise) could lead to ulcers.
But with so many products on the market today it is hard to know where to start. And with each and every horse having their own needs and workloads it might be a good idea to get some help with your feed advice.
Our online shop shows our range of horse feed products available and even gives a description of each one is good for. And of course we will not be beaten on price.
However, if you are looking for a little more personal advice, our Shop Manage Carolyn and Proprietor, Martin would be happy to help you with some feeding guidance. Please feel free to contact us to discuss any concerns you may have.