26 Sep 2016
  • New Snowflake Standard Shavings
  • New Snowflake Standard Shavings

    Standard only by name, Snowflake Standard bales are made from premium mixed virgin wood shavings and softwood Snowflake Softchip.
    Snowflake Standard offers the benefits of woodshavings - a naturally warm, soft and comfortable bed with with a fresh, pleasant odour and the durability of Softchip - a greater support under hoof which minimises bedding movement. 
    The high absorbency rate of the bedding provides ease of use, generating little waste and works out to be cost effective with minimal bedding top up required.
    As with a
    12 Sep 2016
  • New Snowflake Softchip Horse Bedding
  • New Snowflake Softchip Horse Bedding

    Snowfake Softchip is a popular alternative to traditional wood shavings. Manufactured from premium softwood to the same exacting standards as other products in the Snowflake range, Softchip has several advantages:

    Dust extracted for a healthy respiratory system.
    Minimising dust levels within the stable environment is essential to help your horse maintain peak health and fitness. 

    Free draining and highly absorbent.
    Allows wet to drain away freely to the bottom layer, ensuring that the surface of the bed remains dry. 

    02 Sep 2016
  • MegaSpread Horse Bedding
  • MegaSpread Horse Bedding

    MEGASpreadTM Woodshavings is a new and exciting addition to the Metsä Wood equine bedding brand of Hunter Woodshavings. It is made from virgin softwood shavings using sustainable untreated sources. The shavings are vaccum packed under extreme compression so when the bale is opened, the shavings spring back to give exceptional spread volume. 
