07 Apr 2016
  • Professional Feed Advice
  • Not only does our animal feed store stock the widest range of horse bedding, horse supplements and medical accessories, but we also offer a comprehensive range of product for your dogs, cats and other small animals.  And of course if you have livestock such as pigs, goats, sheep and all other animals we stock a range of feed and bedding for them too.

    But that's not where our service ends.  Did you know that owner, Martin Smith, has extensive knowledge on what each feed product contains and which option will be beneficial to your animals particular feeding or medical needs.  Many of our clients have contacted our animal feed store for sound advice and have been very pleased with the results.

    We also have a licensed worming agent in store who can provide you with advice and keep detailed records of your worming programme.

    All our products, except wormers, are available to order online, and with a secure PayPal payment method and a friendly delivery team we are sure you will find our Animal Feed Store service and prices unbeatable.